Game Summaries & Headlines.
Boys Varsity Wrestling vs. Multiple Opponents
1 month ago @ 8:11AM
Last night the Comet wrestling team traveled to Jonesville for Team Districts. We were only able to send 7, out of 14 weight classes to the meet. Of those 7, 5 gave us wins, to give us 28 points. Jonesville was able to take almost all the rest of the voids and came out with 45 points. Gavin Berkeypile won by technicall fall. AJ Fielder, Levi Bradley, Wyatt Ashworth, and Austyn Hocter all won by pins. Great job by all 7 wrestlers who were able to wrestle. This weekend the boys start their individual post season at Dansville on Saturday for individual districts. Wrestling starts at 9:30. The girls travel to Dundee for their individual district on Sunday. They start wrestling at 10:30. Come out and cheer on your tough Comet wrestling team.